Book Review: Part of Your World

Original review written 7/29/22

Title: Part of Your World

Author: Liz Braswell

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What's it about?

Maybe the better question is, What if Ariel had never defeated Ursula? The answer? Deception, violence and chaos.

Five years after Ariel fell in love with Prince Eric only to be outed by Ursula herself, Ariel has settled into the life of the Queen of Under the Sea while Ursula, otherwise known as Princess Vanessa, is having a hay day with her power on land. Their lives have been seperate for so long, it almost seems silly to think that that will ever change, after all, Vanessa has done everything she can to ensure that Ariel remain where she belongs, in Atlantica. But when Ariel learns that there's a chance that her father is still alive and being held hostage by Princess Vanessa in the castle, Ariel is determined to right the wrongs of the past and save her father. Shaky on her land legs, and with the help of some of her beloved friends, Ariel makes her way to land and starts an adventure to rival her first experience in the Dry World. But will she be able to succeed or is it a helpless cause?


Favorite Characters: You may expect me to award the title of favorite character to Ariel, Sabastian or Flounder but I'm sorry. I'm going to have to disappoint. While I do adore these long loved characters, I think I found another favorite. My favorite was a new character Argent. She was wise, positive, grateful and just a cool character. I know she may not be as cool as a mermaid, but there was just something about her that made me fall in love with her!

Other Thoughts:

To be honest, I found myself forgetting that this isn't really the way things turned out. There were times when I a had to remind myself that in the original story, Ariel and Triton defeated evil Ursula and Ariel got to be with her prince. The story just felt so solid and fun and the characters were on point.

There was something almost animated about the story, done in this way that if felt like Disney even though Ursula was running around threatening lives and such. I think the biggest example is Vanessa's room. There's just something so magical and enchanting about it, not like what you usually see in a book but would totally see in a Disney movie.

What do I rate this book?

I give this book a


out of

10 sea creatures

But that's just what I thought? How did you feel about this reimagining? Did you love it, or did you miss the original rendition? Let us know what you thought in the comments.


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